Produsen Souvenir Untuk Perusahaan Di Tangerang Jual Jam Meja dan Tempat Handphone Untuk Souvenir Cinderamata Perbankan Bank Mandiri Region IX Kalimantan Hadiah Untuk Nasabah Bank Prioritas
Jam meja analog plus handphone holder warna hitam tipe LY 6069 size: 17.8 x 6.7 x 10.5cm
Desain unik berbentuk segitiga, berwarna hitam plus jahitan benang putih, kontras namun elegan. Fungsi ganda bisa juga untuk wadah meletakkan handphone Anda. Jika handphone Anda berdering Anda cukup melirik untuk mengetahui apa yang terjadi sehingga tidak mengganggu konsentrasi Anda. Jam meja tipe LY 6069 ini ideal juga untuk dijadikan sebagai cinderamata atau hadiah untuk nasabah bank dan pelanggan prioritas. Ideal juga untuk dijadikan sebagai souvenir dan hadiah kepada customer perusahaan finansial, perusahaan pembiayaan dan penyalur kredit. Tampak gambar diatas jam meja cinderamata hadiah untuk nasabah bank prioritas pesanan Bank Mandiri General Affair Section Regional IX Kalimantan, Banjarmasin Kalimantan Selatan.
Bapak & Ibu pelanggan yang budiman, jika Anda ingin melihat koleksi deskclock kami selengkapnya silahkan klik disini.
Tegarcrafts adalah perusahaan utama untuk pengadaan souvenir bagi lembaga negara, kementerian, instansi pemerintah maupun swasta yang sudah berpengalaman hampir satu dekade. Jika Bapak & Ibu ingin melihat koleksi produk-produk Tegarcrafts selengkapnya silahkan klik disini
LY 6069A: An analog desk clock with cell phone holder, size: 17.8 x 6.7 x 10.5cm
Unique triangular design, black plus white stitching, contrasting but elegant. Double function can also for the container put your cell phone. If your phone rings you just glance to find out what happened so as not to interfere your concentration. Deskclock LY 6069 is ideal to serve as souvenirs or gifts for bank customers and priority customers. Just to be used as souvenirs and gifts to customers financial companies, finance companies and credit distributors. Appear image above deskclock prize for banking customer priority ordered by Bank Mandiri General Affair Regional Section IX Kalimantan, Banjarmasin South Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Dear Valued Customers, if you want to see our fully collection of deskclock please click here.Tegarcrafts is the main company to supply souvenirs for state institutions, ministries, government agencies and private companies that have experienced almost a decade. If you want to see the complete collection of Tegarcrafts products please click here.
Unique triangular design, black plus white stitching, contrasting but elegant. Double function can also for the container put your cell phone. If your phone rings you just glance to find out what happened so as not to interfere your concentration. Deskclock LY 6069 is ideal to serve as souvenirs or gifts for bank customers and priority customers. Just to be used as souvenirs and gifts to customers financial companies, finance companies and credit distributors. Appear image above deskclock prize for banking customer priority ordered by Bank Mandiri General Affair Regional Section IX Kalimantan, Banjarmasin South Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Dear Valued Customers, if you want to see our fully collection of deskclock please click here.Tegarcrafts is the main company to supply souvenirs for state institutions, ministries, government agencies and private companies that have experienced almost a decade. If you want to see the complete collection of Tegarcrafts products please click here.