name card holder untuk souvenir serah terima jabatan cinderamata pelantikan jenderal tni ad hublu spamad
Name Card Holder tipe M5 dengan tekstur kulit jeruk dan jahitan berwarna kontras yang bisa membuka di kedua sisinya.
Meski jaman sudah berganti tapi bagi para pebisnis kartu nama tetap penting dan tak terganti. Ini adalah awal dimana kerjasama bisnis Anda dimulai. Name card holder melindungi kartu nama Anda dari terlipat, warna memudar atau ia tergores dengan benda lainnya dalam dompet Anda.Pada acara serah terima jabatan yang diadakan oleh diadakan oleh Dinas Hublu Spamad TNI Angkatan Darat memesan tempat kartu nama kepada Tegarcrafts lengkap dengan branding logo Kartika Eka Paksi TNI AD serta teks bertuliskan WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF MAJOR GENERAL MUHAMMAD NUR RAHMAD ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF FOR SECURITY THE INDONESIAN ARMY untuk dibagikan kepada pejabat tinggi lembaga terkait serta seluruh tamu undangan.
Lebih jelasnya dari name card holder tipe M5 dapat Anda lihat pada tayangan diatas. Silahkan di klik.
Bapak & Ibu yang Budiman jika Anda ingin melihat koleksi wadah kartu nama Tegarcrafts lainnya silahkan klik disini. Jika Anda ingin melihat koleksi cinderamata Tegarcrafts lainnya silahkan klik disini
A Name Card Holder type M5 with peel texture and contrasting stitching that can open on both sides.
Even the times have changed but for business man abusiness card remain important and not replaceable. This is the beginning where your business begins. Name card holder protects your business card from being folded, the color fades or it is scratched with other objects in your wallet.
On the handover ceremony held by the Hublu Spamad Army Service ordered the card business card to Tegarcrafts complete with logo branding Kartika Eka Paksi TNI AD and text reads WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF MAJOR GENERAL MUHAMMAD NUR RAHMAD ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF FOR SECURITY THE INDONESIAN ARMY to be distributed to high-level officials of related institutions and all invited guests.
Mr & Mrs Budiman if you want to see the collection of other Tegarcrafts business card container please click here. If you want to see another collection of Tegarcrafts souvenirs please click here
A Name Card Holder type M5 with peel texture and contrasting stitching that can open on both sides.
Even the times have changed but for business man abusiness card remain important and not replaceable. This is the beginning where your business begins. Name card holder protects your business card from being folded, the color fades or it is scratched with other objects in your wallet.
On the handover ceremony held by the Hublu Spamad Army Service ordered the card business card to Tegarcrafts complete with logo branding Kartika Eka Paksi TNI AD and text reads WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF MAJOR GENERAL MUHAMMAD NUR RAHMAD ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF FOR SECURITY THE INDONESIAN ARMY to be distributed to high-level officials of related institutions and all invited guests.
Mr & Mrs Budiman if you want to see the collection of other Tegarcrafts business card container please click here. If you want to see another collection of Tegarcrafts souvenirs please click here